About us


The mules

Anouk NATHAN – Between trips and horses

I was born in 1971. Passionate about horses, I have been riding since I was 6 years old. Owner of my first horse at 14 years old, today I am lucky to have 3 as well as 4 mules at home.
At the start of my graduate studies I spent a year in England at an agricultural college. I obtained the National Certificate in the Management of Horses there.
Then during my agricultural engineering course, I spent the last quarter of my fourth year at the Kursk Agricultural Academy in Russia ... and passed the end-of-year exams, in Russian of course! I had started learning this language the year before.
I returned to Kursk in January of the following year, then ... in February 2017 and March 2018 to Lake Baikal.

My passion for horses caught up with me professionally in 2005 when I got interested in barefoot horses. I discovered this method of maintaining horses' feet (trimming) through English-speaking forums talking about ethological riding, a brand new equestrian discipline at the time, in which I had trained a few years before.
At that time there was no professional barefoot trimming in France and I went to follow a training course in the USA before setting up as an equine pedicure-podiatrist. In 2008 I followed another more advanced training, in France this time but given by an American, KC LaPierre. Since then I practice his method every day and continue to train myself every year.
I was one of the first in France to start making this new profession known and recognized.

Dominic ORBETTE - Between heaven and earth

I was born in 1967 in Oyonnax, France in the Jura massif.
Very early on, passionate about nature, I became interested in the forest, the mountains, then the sky and fossils.
Very early on I came into contact with horses, then donkeys and mules.

After 5 years of studying geology, I found a job as a computer engineer in a large service company (Cap Gemini). I progressed quickly, then I became IT director of the Gergonne industrial group and finally I set up my own company in 2011, Door informatique.

However, I have not forgotten my passions, participating in scientific work in paleontology, setting up astronomical observatories and taking pictures of the sky.

Heaven, earth, I could only become an airplane pilot. I passed my PPL patent in 2004 and am a part owner of a Cesna 172.
I also acquired a donkey then 2 mules and a mule. I broke out a mule from the team.

This trip will allow me to travel the Earth, like a nomad from the beginning of the Neolithic, like an astronomer who travels a planet, like a geologist who reads the history of the Earth, like a pilot sometimes, who sees things from- high.